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  • TechRepublic Premium

    Technical Documentation Policy

    The importance of quality technical documentation cannot be overstated. Whether using this documentation to educate and inform internal employees, external customers, seasoned technological professionals, technology-averse end users, millennials, the senior population or any kind of target audience, it can make or break your organization. The purpose of this policy from TechRepublic Premium is to provide ...

  • TechRepublic Premium

    Quick Glossary: Greentech

    While some efforts aimed at enhancing human lives have come at the expense of our environment’s vitality, a beacon of hope has risen in the form of green technology, a.k.a. greentech. This field has emerged as a central driving force for positive change in a constantly evolving world. Greentech’s sustainable solutions are paving the way ...

  • TechRepublic Premium

    MSP Best Practices: PC Maintenance Checklist

    Regularly performing preventive PC maintenance provides managed services providers with an excellent opportunity to spot previously unidentified issues that could become bigger problems later. There’s a lot to remember when performing preventive maintenance. MSPs can simplify the process by creating a PC maintenance checklist, such as the accompanying file from TechRepublic Premium. From the download: ...

  • TechRepublic Premium

    Project Manager Resume Template

    A strong, well-focused resume is essential for showcasing your knowledge and expertise. This template from TechRepublic Premium will help ensure that you include the most relevant aspects of your work history and accomplishments so that prospective employers will recognize the value you can bring to their projects. Here are some dos and don’ts shared by ...

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